Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hey...Should I wake up Papa? Papa....I know its Saturday, but its time to wake up already!!!

Papa's up...! My papa playes with me sooo much...

...and makes me soooooo happy.

Tummy time...

I have discovered the yummiest thing in this whole wide hand!!! Wish I could fit the whole thing in my mouth.

kick'in in the pack and play... real quite, I am going to catch this firefly...

I hold my milky bottle..aape aap!!!

Just got up from my afternoon nap...
mumma's gone back to work so I am spending some quality time with Nanaji.
Like to take a nap during massage....its relaxing!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Our trip to Ikea.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Its all about me...

This was around midnight when we got back from Anita bua's house...I feel so fresh after a nap!

My own personal spa...

I love my Nanaji.

Whose the little drool machine...

Swing swing...

I am my mumma's little "sethjee"

I like my play mat...and my play Nanaji...

Peaceful and priceless...

Little Prince...
Its Milky time...
Ok..tummy full! Its play time now...
Nanaima is making me do salaam


he he he...

Uhh....Cherry Blossoms. I am having fun....

Soooooo many flowers...pretty pretty!!!

Picnic with Shaanu bhaiya and Natasha didi...its getting a little cold.

Umm....those cookies look yummy

Can I have one too Shaanu bhaiya...??